Second Saturday


With all of the special holiday festivities going on it is easy to forget about the regular activities going on in East Sacramento, like Second Saturday! If the weather cooperates, start off your Second Saturday walk at the Crocker Art Museum where you can “Eat Your Art”.

This Saturday from 12-3PM families can “squish, spread and sprinkle color, shapes and lines onto cookies – an edible canvas.” The activity is free with admission and open to all.

The Crocker Art Museum is located at 216 O Street. Admission is $6 for adults, $4 for seniors (65+), $3 for students (with a valid ID) and *FREE* for children 6 years and under.

For more information click here or call 916.808.1961.

From the Crocker Art Museum you can head down through mid-town to the rest of the Second Saturday entertainment. For some family friendly tips check out our Second Saturday post here.

Do you frequent Second Saturday? If you do, is it date-night or do you bring the the kids along? Any tips for parents wanting to take their kids? Let us know!

P.S. Don’t forget… the December giveaway is coming on Friday!

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One Response to “Second Saturday”

  1. Flapjack 5K and Short Stack Kids Run « East Sacramento Mom Says:

    […] East Sacramento Mom learn. share. grow. meet. support your community. « Second Saturday […]

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